Welcome to our Delaware Etsy Street Team weekly blog post where you help promote your Treasury and build up our team and local art community.
This week I'm a bit late, so I will continue to share a few main Treasuries up on our blog that features various members of the DEST that are using "DelwareTeam" or "DETeam" in one of their tags
This week I'm a bit late, so I will continue to share a few main Treasuries up on our blog that features various members of the DEST that are using "DelwareTeam" or "DETeam" in one of their tags
(this is how I search for treasuries with our DEST members):
I hope you enjoy these!
Make sure to stop and comment on the ones you like…
Created By:
Created By
Anyone can create a treasury and add it here as long as your treasury has at least one of the following:
1. At least 1 item from DEST Member or
2. At least 1 item with a Delaware Tag (delaware, delawareteam, deteam, etc) or
3. Theme based on Delaware (events, colors, teams, places, etc) or
4. A Treasury created by a DEST member.
You get the general idea right?
Promoting the arts in DE? Okay, just making sure...
You can add a direct link to your treasury below in the Inlinks gadget.
You just need the treasury URL, name and your email address (email will remain private).
You are encouraged to add your individual treasury to her "link up" as well.
And remember, the more you view and comment on other people's treasuries, the more they will want to come and check out yours…
Build the community online and locally!