July 5, 2013

July First Friday Art Walk Weekend

Here in DE it's prime summertime which means most people try to beat the heat by heading to the beach (if you are in New Jersey, you head for the shore - a local way of knowing what people are talking about when they are mentioning where they are going on vacation).

Art can be seen everywhere! With this being a holiday weekend, some galleries hold their "First Friday" on the second Friday, or maybe just take off for the summer. 
Some galleries go year round and stick to the First Friday date regardless.

First Friday Art Walk Weekend

The Art Walk Etsy Team that hosts the First Friday Art Walk Weekend - is one of those communities that holds the event over the First Friday of the month - 12 months a year (it's much easier to do being an online community since you have people accessing it from just about anywhere).

Here are some links to local art loops:
*If you know of any other local art loop, please add a link to the art loop website in the comments so we can update our list.

And if you hop on over to our Delaware Etsy Street Team discussion thread for our July 2013 First Friday Art Walk, you can check out some awesome local work and vintage finds.

Don't forget to see lots more by checking out the team thread HERE.

July 4, 2013

Fun Summertime Treasuries

Summer is here in Delaware, and most people head to the beach at some point to get their feet in the sand and take a dip in the ocean or bay.

There is nothing quite like spending time with friends and family to celebrate holidays and everyday life!
Click HERE to see these items!
Seeing collections like these visually reminds me of how being part of an Etsy Team like the Delaware Street Team is like having an extended family. So enjoy these collections that either include items from members of our team or are curated by members of our team.
Click HERE to see these items!

Click HERE to see these items.
 Have a wonderful Independence Day!