September 18, 2008

We need growth


Hello Delestys..

Right now we are a small team and we need more members. Do you have friends on etsy? Please invite them to the group. There is nothing they have to do other than agree to be a part of us. Let me explain everything that I want to do with the Delaware Esty Team..

I need "right hand men". Right now I am the founder of this group but I don't want to be the only one in charge. I need people from Northern, Middle, and Southern Delaware. I need a few people who will step up and be willing to spend some time helping me expand and educate Delaware artists on etsy and this group. I need folks who are also outgoing and motivated to become a part of something larger than simply their etsy shop. Please e-mail if you are interested in being a larger part of our team:

Expand. We need to expand our group to feature many different types and aesthetics. We need more artists, and more types of art. Expanding our team will broaden our horizons! Meaning, the more people we have, the larger we are known, and therefore the more we can promote ourselves and

Have meetings. It would be fun to get together and promote! This could be meeting in a local diner or city park, chatting with each other to talk about the group or go around your town and post stickers and fliers for etsy and our team. I would like to grow a little before we do this, but when the time comes it'll be a blast. Meetings will understandably be in lots of DE locations at different times because obviously we aren't all in the same town.

Online meetings. We will have times set up where we Deletsy's meet in an etsy chatroom that is all our own and password protected.

Have shows. With enough team members and a broader group of artists with different mediums, we could host our own craft gallery and show. More about this idea was in the last blog post. Etsy will sponsor us, but we need to grow more and be more active in Delaware... which we are excited about doing!

Promote in local papers. When we are a larger group we can get etsy to sponsor ads for our group and shops in local papers. This will generate sales and interest by other artists more members.

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow Delawareans! Thank you for contacting me about the team. About a year ago, I was looking for a local team and contacted one but never received a reply so I joined the PhillyEtsyTeam instead which is a pretty active group. I work full-time and am always wishing I had more time to do my craft so I'm not sure how involved I can get. Perhaps I can give it a shot anyway. -- Grace ( and
